Job Openings

Our District strives to attract, recruit, hire, and retain the highest qualified applicants who will provide a safe, secure, supportive learning environment.See Board Policy (DC) regarding employment policies

Submit professional application for certified teacher positions

6th Grade Math
(Complete Professional app and submit to the Admin office)

5th Grade Teacher
(Complete Professional app and submit to the Admin office)

Kindergarten Teacher
(Complete Professional app and submit to the Admin office)

HS Special Ed Teacher
(Complete Professional app and submit to Admin office)

Bus Driver needed
CDL with school bus and passenger endorsements required
(complete service and support app)

Part-time driver (CDL not required)
service and support app required

Complete the application and return with a resume and transcripts ( if applicable) to the Administration office.  All forms must be completed to be considered.
email to; fax to 254-765-3473;mail to:  PO Box 247, Wortham, TX 76693 or hand deliver to the Administration offfice at 201 S. 4th St., Wortham, TX 76693

If an employee of the District is interested in a job opening, please submit a letter of interest to the Campus Principal.
If you are a parapro and want to apply for a certified position, please complete an application.


Professional Application for Teacher|Administor|Principal|Coach Application

Substitute Teacher, Application

Support and Service for Support | Secretary | Parapros | Maintenance | Custodian| Cafe, Application

Volunteer | Student Teacher Criminal History, forms


Certified Teacher Salary Schedule 

Teacher’s Aide Salary Schedule

Cafeteria Salary Schedule

Substitute Teacher Salary Schedule

Secretary Salary Schedule

Bus Driver Salary Schedule

Contact Sherry Crowell- Admin Asst to Superintendent/HR Manager if you have questions. 254-765-3095 (ext 8) ; fax 254-765-3473;